Sunday, April 14, 2013

Reformation Project

Participating in the reformation project is important to me because I want to work towards preventing any further injustice that some churches are inflicting on LGBT Christians. I want to reclaim my faith in the mechanism of Christianity and restore it to a desirable, honorable and worthy position in our culture. Our faith has been hijacked by hate. Believers are questioning. Seekers are wandering elsewhere.  
I’ve heard a lot of sermons pertaining to reaching the community outside of the church with the main question usually being, “How do we reach those outside of the church?” I would like to know, to whom are those sermons directed? Are ministers looking for certain type of person? Is there a quota that needs to be filled? Churches surely want members who fit the traditional family mold. Right? Okay, so are any churches looking for me?
Well, I was once outside of the church. It was not because I didn’t want to go to church and not because I didn’t believe in God. No, quite the opposite. I was pushed out of the organized church simply because of who I am.
No matter what one’s political and spiritual beliefs are I can only vouch for myself in saying, I was born exactly as I am today. God created me as He did every other living thing on this planet. How then can anyone tell me I do not belong in “your” church? After all, isn’t it God’s church anyway? How can man tell me I don’t deserve the same spiritual nourishment that I require as a Christian? How can man deny me the ceremonies, rites and rituals that any other Christian seeks in his or her walk in faith? How can man deny me? Though now a cliché, what would Jesus do? Would Jesus deny me? Would he tell me I am not worthy? Would he scorn me for my sins and not offer me salvation? Is my believing in His power as Lord and Savior not enough? Does John 3:16 apply only to some of us?
We are doing a poor job of worshiping in God’s church if we only seek those who look like, think like and believe like ourselves. If we only fellowship with those like us, how do we grow and learn from all of God’s creation? If we are the body of Christ, why are so many of his appendages paralyzed?
I believe there has never been a better opportunity in our country to formulate a strong dialogue with each other about full inclusion for LGBT Christians in our churches. I am confident that I can be one of the speakers to defend our rights as God's children to explain why and how we deserve a place at Christ's table.
(The statement for my video submission to the Reformation Project.)


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