Monday, March 25, 2013

With anticipation

With anticipation, I’ve been watching the debate of same-sex marriage for over a decade progress in America. All the while, I’ve wondered why so many still don’t get the fact that supporting same-sex marriage is actually a very conservative position to take. We are not advocating marrying more than one person. We are not advocating living in communes separate from society. (Jerry Falwell's followers and others don’t get any reparative therapy ideas with this previous statement.) We are not even asking for special treatment. We only seek equal treatment under the law of the United States of America.

We are seeking to marry the person we love. Shouldn’t we honor those willing to make that kind of commitment to each other in a culture famous for divorce and splintered families?

Some are seeking to build a family. Some are doing that in desperation to find our place in the world because our own family or a part of it has abandoned us. Now some of you may envy this opportunity—to pick a new family! However, it is not as easy as it sounds. Combine the fact that Aunt Nancy and Grandpa won’t acknowledge you anymore in a country that won’t give you equal rights causes quite a conundrum.

Some are seeking community. Whether we find that community in a church, a synagogue, a mosque, a recreation center, or a bar please know that we are just like you in that we are seeking life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness in a country we call home. Talk to us and you will find that we have many things in common with one another. After all, if we see you in these places we already have one thing in common. Let’s build upon that.

We are seeking your support. Though it seems to be the trend to support this issue only if you are personally affected by it. In some ways, I understand if you. I understand because you believe you can only support same-sex marriage if you know someone personally whose lives are affected by this inequality. You need to put a face on the issue and see it firsthand. I’m sorry we don’t have a telethon sponsored by musicians and actors to pledge their support and encourage you to do the same. But I believe the hundreds who’ve lost their lives in the face of hate are reason enough that we should stand together as Americans and demand equality for all. Moreover, if the conservative ideas of marriage, family and community are not enough to persuade you then I welcome you to meet me here and now. Hello, my name is Suzanne Lindsay; please know that you should support same-sex marriage because it is a stand for equality.

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